How To Treat Addiction Without Leaving The House - Rehab Guide
Online Mutual Aid Groups for Addiction

How To Treat Addiction Without Leaving The House

Need to stop drinking? Home addiction treatments could help you achieve your goals as comfortably and safely as possible.

If, like all of us who work here did, you think you need a hand to stop drinking (or using drugs), there should be no shame in this. Dependence and addiction are like that – if it was easy, there’d be no addiction, no rehabs, no struggling NHS and no detox units. It’s almost impossible to overcome addiction yourself. Fortunately, there are multiple resources available.

Addiction Treatment At Home

detox medication header

Home Alcohol Detox

An alcohol home detox is a managed detoxification at your home (or another safe environment) to gradually remove yourself from your alcohol dependence. It is usually undertaken using sedatives and/or other medicines, including vitamins, to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and unpleasant and dangerous side effects. Alcohol home detox for many people can be an alternative to an alcohol residential rehab stay.

Online Counselling

There are many reasons why people become addicted to substances. Among specific causes (such as trauma, bereavement, and habitual increase), there is always the underlying need to change how they feel. Counselling can help with goal setting and achieving, building healthy relationships with others, improving self-confidence and self-worth, moving forward from the past, breaking the pattern of unhealthy behaviours, living life as a sober person, improving confidence and self-esteem, and learning self-acceptance and self-love.


Supplement popularity is on the rise, and with good reason. They can help support physically and mentally and might just provide that extra piece of support people need to overcome addiction as part of their recovery. As well as B vitamins (B-Strong and thiamine) that most people who drink too much should be taking, we found out about a one-a-day supplement called Desistal.

Desistal contains three main ingredients that help people who want to cut down or quit alcohol: Bacopa Monnieri, Apple Cider Vinegar, and MCT. These ingredients combine to combat the negative effects of alcohol withdrawal by replacing the alcohol your brain has been using for energy, helping restore your physical and mental well-being.

Mutual Aid & Anonymous Fellowships

Mutual Aid is a term used to describe a range of support groups where people with drug or alcohol issues discuss their problems and look after each other. There are many different types, with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) being the main example.

This works on the principle that through sharing your own experiences with others in the group, you will offer support and help to one another. In essence, it means one addict (or ex-addict) helping another. SMART Recovery is an alternative to AA and aims to empower people with practical skills, tools and support so that they may manage their addictive behaviour and lead satisfying and meaningful lives.

Alcoholics Anonymous Online Meetings >
Narcotics Anonymous Online Meetings >
SMART Recovery Online Meetings >

Online Mutual Aid Groups for Addiction

Other Places To Get Help

Your GP

Often, the first place most people go is their own doctor. Your doctor should know about your health and can often help. Sometimes, but becoming less common these days, is medical help for addiction from your GP in terms of detox. It’s worth asking. However, more and more GPs are now referring patients to the local addiction team.

Local Addiction Team

Most areas in the UK have a local addiction team, usually run by the NHS and local government council. How this is organised depends on how the local authority has decided to set this up. Sometimes, these services are outsourced to other providers. Your GP or a Google search for “addiction team” plus your town, city or area should come up with the local NHS addiction team.
Need Help?

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Rehab Guide is a FREE addiction helpline, providing expert treatment services and support across the UK for any substance or behavioural addiction.


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