Aftercare - Rehab Guide



What Is Aftercare?

Addiction aftercare is a comprehensive support system offered after rehab to support you in remaining clean and sober.

With detox, you rid your body completely of the substance(s) you’ve been using. Then, in rehab, you work with professional counsellors who help you find the root cause of your addiction. You also learn how to cope with triggers.

But the road to sobriety isn’t over just yet. Another critical progress to success is aftercare.

Basically, you experience the same things as you did in rehab. However, aftercare helps you transition back to normal, which means you spend most of your time outside of the facility.

Life After Rehab

Rehabilitation should give you the tools and plans you need to stop drinking or taking drugs. Keeping going is the rest of your life, and rehab is not all preparation, and then you are on your own. Rehab centres lay out a plan, working with you and your support network of family and friends to

What Happens in Recovery Aftercare?

As we’ve said above, your experience in aftercare is very similar to your time in rehabilitation. The main difference is how much time you spend doing them.

Keep reading to find out what these activities are.


Counselling and therapy are some of the most important things in recovery. It’s true that while in rehab, you’ll learn ways to cope with triggers and find great ways to self-soothe as an alternative. So what else is there after you’ve left the facility?

For one, you might find the leap from rehab to normal existence very difficult. You’re suddenly faced with tempting situations again, and it may feel overwhelming. It can bring about intense feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and other emotions.

By having counselling services available, you’ll be better equipped to face these situations with confidence. In addition, these therapists can help if you’re having mental health issues, especially if they’ve appeared or gotten worse after rehab.

All of the above combined will help with relapse prevention.

Group Therapy With Others in Recovery

You’ll also continue with group therapy. This can be an integral part of sobriety, as you’ll have a support group that completely understands what you’re going through, just like in rehab.

In fact, the people you meet at your aftercare recovery group can play a huge role in talking you down from relapse. If you ever feel like you’re tempted, you can always text or ring one of these people.

These can also be people you go to do sober activities with. For example, if you meet others at aftercare for alcoholics, you can always go do something wholesome that doesn’t involve alcohol. You can then hold each other accountable as well.

Group Therapy for Loved Ones

Transitioning isn’t difficult for just those who are in recovery. It can also be challenging for their loved ones, especially if they don’t know much about addiction. Plus, they might still have distrust based on past actions of the person in recovery.

Spending some time with an experienced professional in a neutral and safe environment can encourage bonds to be mended and strengthened again.

Alternative Therapies

Addiction isn’t just an issue with the body; it also affects the mind. This is why drug abuse recovery doesn’t just focus on ridding the body of addiction.

Some rehab centres have alternative therapies since they approach recovery in a holistic way. Activities include:

When you attend aftercare, you’ll enjoy these alternative therapies, too. You might even get the help of a nutritionist, who can help you eat healthily and feel your best.

Why Is Aftercare Support So Important?

Aftercare services are important for several reasons.

As we’ve mentioned earlier, aftercare is vital for relapse prevention. This is because you learn further methods to learn your triggers and cope with them, as well as any cravings you might get.

In addition, aftercare substance abuse programmes are there to remind you of what can happen should you relapse. Sometimes, recovering addicts can be short-sighted, and they only see the instant gratification in front of them. By attending drug rehab aftercare, you’ll be reminded of all the hard work you’ve put in.

Don’t think that any lapse in judgement is reason to be shameful though. A rehab aftercare plan can also help you recover from a small slip so it doesn’t become an actual relapse.

Kind and caring professionals will be understanding and compassionate. They know you’re only human, and some slip-ups might happen. Not only will they get you back into treatment, but they’ll also teach you some helpful ways to cope should you slip up again.

Drug Addiction in The UK

In the UK, 8.5% of adults said they took an illicit drug in the last year. While some people are able to take drugs recreationally, for others, it can become a serious addiction.

Addiction can be a terrible thing to live with, and often, people carry this for the rest of their lives. But thankfully, this isn’t something that’s set in stone.

With the proper detox, rehabilitation, and aftercare, people who struggle with addiction can go on to live fulfilling and sober lives.

Sobriety With the Aid of Aftercare Programmes

After reading this article, you now know more about aftercare, including why they’re so vital in someone’s recovery process.

Regardless of who’s going to rehab and to what extent their addiction issues were, it’s vital they go to aftercare afterwards. While rehabilitation will certainly put them on the right path to recovery, aftercare is what will strengthen them and dramatically decrease their chances of relapsing.

Are you interested in learning more about rehabilitation and/or aftercare? Then get in touch today. We’re happy to provide you with free advice.

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