Why are health problems in Scotland on the rise? While Scotland’s mortality rate has dropped in some areas, this part of the UK has still not been able to shake its title as the ‘Sick Man of Europe.’ And with...
Read MoreAlcohol; more bad effects than heroin Heroin, cocaine, LSD and beer? Alcohol might not seem to fit into this list but a former UK Chief Drugs Advisor, Professor David Nutt, has co-authored a paper for the medical journal ‘The Lancet’...
Read MoreIn yesterday’s news, the medical journal ‘The Lancet’ got national recognition for publishing a paper co-authored by Professor David Nutt and his team, ranking illegal drugs against each other on a new scale of harm. The paper aimed to inform...
Read MoreAccording to a new study written, Liverpool’s John Morres University Centre for Public Health has released the results of recent research that shows links that children who do not like school are more inclined to become engaged in underage sex and drinking....
Read MoreReasons why alcohol tolarance changes The way that a person experiences and interacts with alcohol tends to be pretty unique to themselves. Some people seem to have high alcohol tolerance, while others are intoxicated after the first few sips. Further,...
Read MoreFinding suitable free alcohol rehab or alcohol treatment for yourself can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Seeking free treatment methods is a sign of incredible strength, not weakness. Everyone needs sufficient resources when it...
Read MoreThere are many views on how GPs should treat addicts and their addictions, treating the causes of addiction goes a long way to quality recovery. A recent article in the Daily Mail on addiction stated doctors need to treat...
Read MoreThis episode, featuring 41-year-old alcoholic, was aired on ITV and aimed to confront alcoholics who were causing a major disruption in the lives of close family and other people around them and offer them support. In this case, the volunteer...
Read MoreWhat is considered binge drinking? Binge drinking is excessive alcohol consumption on a single occasion that causes heavy intoxication within a short time. Binge drinking shouldn’t be confused with “heavy drinking,” many alcoholic drinks consumed throughout one day or a...
Read MoreCould Gene Therapy Be A Cure For Cocaine Addiction? A pioneering new method of combating cocaine addiction has been revealed. Advances in gene therapy suggest that we may one day have a cure for cocaine addiction. This article explores cocaine...
Read MoreBinge Drinking And Heart Disease Is drinking alcohol good or bad for your heart? A new and extensive study has finally reached a conclusion. With a range of opinions out there, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction....
Read MoreEurope’s opioid crisis In Europe, around 5 % of those entering treatment for drug problems report opioids other than heroin as their primary drug, amounting to around 20 000 patients. Overdose deaths Over 7,600 fatal overdoses were reported in the...
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