Seeking Help for Alcohol Counselling For most people with alcohol problems, it’s rare for them to realise that a big change needs to occur and therefore go onto transforming their drinking habits overnight with the help of alcohol counselling. Recovery...
Read MoreAlcohol and drug addiction in the workplace Did you know that 47 % of workplace accidents result in serious injury? And, 40 % of those accidents, end in fatalities through being under the influence while at work? These are some alcohol abuse in...
Read MoreWhat does alcohol and drug rehab involve? Alcohol rehab is short for alcohol rehabilitation. In other words, Rehab means the process of getting your life back in order. This is a process that should be tackled with professional help. It...
Read MoreTranquillizers: treatment for anxiety, fear, tension, agitation, and disturbances of the mind Before we can discuss anything else about tranquillizers, we first have to understand what a tranquillizer is. A tranquillizer is any medication that can be prescribed or obtained...
Read MoreThe Poppers Drug Poppers is a popular slang name for various chemically psychoactive drugs termed alkyl nitrites, particularly the inhalant drug amyl nitrite. In the UK, poppers are usually sold in small bottles in liquids that produce a vapour that...
Read MoreWhat the latest study on Methadone tells us There is a drug which has become almost synonymous with treating heroin addiction in the UK, and it is called methadone. The synthetic opioid, often prescribed to treat chronic pain, is widely...
Read MoreHow to take and score the FAST Alcohol Screening Test The FAST alcohol screening test screens people for hazardous drinking. It’s specifically devised to make a fast assessment and is used by health specialists as a tool to assess a patient’s...
Read MoreSolvent Inhalants; The facts and effects Whether it’s glue or gasoline, inhalants are legal, normal, and ‘safe.’ After all, preschoolers use glue. Parents pump gas into their cars to get to work. However, the effects of solvent abuse are serious....
Read MoreRelapse Doesn’t Have To Be The End Of The World If you are fighting drug or alcohol addiction and suffer a relapse, it can feel as if you have let yourself down. You may feel as if you have failed...
Read MorePrivate rehab; for a succesful recovery If you are worried, you may have a drinking problem and need help or advice on alcohol treatment, and there are many avenues open to you. Providing you with the most comprehensive guidance and...
Read MoreFixing Scotlands alcohol problem It is a sad fact that many people in Scotland are facing a day to day battle with drug and alcohol abuse. The country is known for having a drinking culture, where, for a large percentage...
Read MoreMethadone in Prison There is a drug which has risen in prominence in Britain’s prisons in the past few years. It is the synthetic opioid originally created as a pain reliever, utilised in the long-term treatment of heroin addiction. However,...
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