The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test. Adapted for Family Members or Friends.
This quick test is for those that think that someone close to them such as a family member or friend may have a drinking problem or addiction.
Try to answer the questions to the best of your ability. The fact that you are here means that you are already concerned enough to do something about the addiction but we hope this test may help you to ‘structure’ that concern. You may want to use this test as an introduction to the issue when you address it with whomever you are concerned about.
After doing this test, you wish to continue immediately: Continue to Interventions.
1. How often do they have a drink containing alcohol?
(0) Never
(1) Monthly
(2) 2-3 times a week
(3) 3-4 times a week
(4) More than 4 times a week
2. How many Units do they have on a typical ‘drinking day’? 1 Unit = 1/2 pint of beer/lager/cider (5%) or 1 175ml glass of wine (12-13%)
(0) 1-2
(1) 3-4
(2) 5-6
(3) 7,8 or 9
(4) 10 or more
3. How often do they have more than 6 Units in one ‘sitting’.
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily
4. How often does it seem that once they have begun drinking, they refuse to stop?
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily
5. How many times in the last year have they failed to perform tasks that are reasonably expected of them due to drinking?
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily
6. (If you know) How often do they take a drink in the morning as a ‘kick start’ to the day?
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) daily or almost daily
7. (If you know) How often do they express remorse after a drinking session?
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily
8. Do they have lapses in memory regarding their behaviour while drunk?
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily
9. Have they been injured or caused another to be injured while drinking?
(0) No
(2) Yes, but not in the last year
(3) Yes, within the last year
10. Has another person, such as a doctor or community health worker shown or voiced concerns about this person?
(0) Never
(2) Yes, but not in the last year
(3) Yes, within the last year
If the answer is not already clear, then add up your score. If the total is greater than 8, then the person in question may very well have a problem with alcohol.