Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Northampton - Rehab Guide

Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Northampton

Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Northampton

Getting help for Addiction & Substance Abuse in Northampton

Looking for a top-rated rehab in Northampton for yourself or someone you love? Rehab Guide is an expert on private rehab centres and can help you find the clinic that’s right for you.

When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they can have a tough time quitting. The main reason is that the withdrawal symptoms and cravings get to be too much for a person.

If you are alcohol dependent, it is strongly advised not to stop taking alcohol cold-turkey without any sort of support or supervision.  The majority of the time, a person has to start drinking again because of the pain they are in.

This is why we have detox programs, to help addicts get through the withdrawal symptoms as safely as possible. The purpose of detox is to eliminate all residues and toxins that stay in the body due to drug or alcohol abuse. Many of these toxins can create cravings and other very unpleasant side effects.

Most of the drug rehab programs will require that a person goes through a detox program. Only when a person is rid of the physical problems related to drugs can they then address the emotional and mental issues related to drug abuse.

Rehab Northampton – Why you should go

alcohol Rehab Northampton

With nearly 5% of all diseases relating to alcohol addiction every day, know there are resources out there designed to help get you back on your feet.

Finding a rehab centre in Northampton is only a phone call away. Before reaching out for help, however, it’s vital that you first admit to yourself that you have an addiction.

  • Alcoholism is a disease of denial.
  • Alcoholism is the only illness that tries to convince you that you don’t have it.
  • Alcoholism is the only fatal illness when the alcoholic fights to stay sick.
  • Alcoholism is not in the bottle – it is in the person.
  • Alcohol is patient; it will wait forever for us to go back to it.
  • Ask yourself, what is the alcohol doing for me? And, what is it doing to me?

We understand the pain you’re going through. Call us today, and we can give you a quick assessment to determine the type of addiction you’re dealing with. With this information on hand, we can connect you with a rehab centre in Northampton well equipped to meet your needs.

How to get someone help with alcoholism

We know how hard it can be to reach out for help when dealing with addiction. You can rest assured that undergoing alcohol rehab in Northampton will provide private support. In this environment, the patient will be shut off from the outside world and surrounded at all times by professional medical staff.

It can be harrowing to watch a loved one struggle with the devastating effects of alcoholism or drug addiction. However, it is essential to remember a few key points when doing so. First of all, learn that you cannot make the person seek help or go to a treatment centre. Treatment will work better when the person admits they have a problem and are willing and ready to seek help.

Some other vital things to learn when attempting to help someone suffering from alcoholism include:

  • Maintaining open channels of dialogue.
  • Do not make any demands.
  • Do not pass judgement.
  • Give plenty of support.
  • Don’t enable them or drink around them.
  • Educate yourself.
  • Be tolerant.

The safest way to efficiently help someone suffering from an addiction may be to prompt them to seek treatment. If you have arrived at this point, let Rehab Guide help. Our programmes in Northampton offer a wide variety of choices to suit every person suffering from drug or alcohol addiction. We aim to provide you with the ideal programme that will work for you or your loved one’s individual needs. Let us assist you in finding your path to sobriety.

Is there a drug or alcohol rehab near me in Northampton?

There are numerous types of treatment options when undergoing rehab in Northampton. The method you choose will play a significant role in your chances of achieving long-term sobriety.

The majority of our drug and alcohol rehab treatment clinics in Northampton offer two forms of treatment – inpatient and outpatient care. Both types of care have their advantages and disadvantages. That said, we generally recommend residential care for many reasons.

Residential care involves moving into a drug and alcohol facility in Northampton for the entire duration of your rehabilitation. This will allow you to immerse yourself within an environment dedicated entirely to your recovery.

This will ensure you have the best chance of achieving sobriety. With residential care, you will be surrounded by professionally trained staff at any given moment who will provide medication to help you cope with any severe withdrawal symptoms should you experience them.

Here are some of the substances they can help with:

Outpatient treatment is often suitable for individuals with a lesser degree of a problem, such as those who are drinking heavily but are not physically addicted to alcohol. Elements of outpatient treatment may include addictions counselling, attendance of AA or NA meetings and relapse prevention. All such treatment is provided accessibly in the local area of the patient.

What is alcohol detox like?

It is essential to recognise that every person who suffers from an addiction to drugs or alcohol is different, and so are their needs. When you first admit to a drug and alcohol rehab treatment centre in Northampton, you’ll immediately undergo detox.

A full medical detox is necessary if an individual has developed a physical dependency. Most residential rehabilitation centres offer detoxification at the beginning of their programmes.

If it is the case that you are physically addicted to alcohol, then on stopping alcohol use, you will experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as trembling, sweating, vomiting, elevated blood pressure and raised pulse.

In severe alcohol withdrawal, you may endure:

  • epileptic convulsions
  • delusions
  • hallucinations.
  • permanent brain impairment

All the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are produced by the brain becoming massively overactive. Sedative medication is prescribed in detox to control this. Considerably large doses of sedative medication are specified at the beginning, and then the dosage progressively reduced down to zero over a number of days. Done professionally, the risk of seizures happening is minimal, and no other developments of alcohol withdrawal are likely to occur.

Equally, you should expect to feel quite comfortable during detox, and by the time it’s completed, you will probably feel the best you have in years. Don’t get confused between sedative medication and sleeping tablets – although they are similar, you will not be sent to sleep for the detox.

The medication you are prescribed (usually a medicine called chlordiazepoxide (Librium) or diazepam (Valium)) is not aimed at sending you to sleep, instead just to calm you and prevent the brain’s over-activity that occurs during alcohol withdrawal.

What are the benefits of a private treatment programme?

Residential rehabilitation is probably the form of intervention most likely to bring positive, sustainable results, for those with a more serious addictive illness. The evidence-based ‘golden rules’ of ‘rehab’ are to match the individual to the programme most likely to result in retention in treatment; to commit to at least one month and as long as required and to complete the chosen programme duration.

  • Medical experts carefully monitor detox
  • Various levels of treatment options are available
  • Your own needs and the needs of your family are taken into consideration
  • The treatment program is customised to address your specific issues and needs
  • There is a right mix of both group therapy and individual therapy sessions
  • There is an aftercare element to help prevent relapse

Residential alcohol rehab Northampton

The drug and alcohol rehabs in Northampton, which we suggest offer a collection of various treatments to help you fight addiction. Here is a list of what’s included in a residential rehab:

What happens after alcohol rehab ends?

Only a small proportion of people who have detoxed without rehab remain still dry at the end of a year. However, 75% who complete a period of rehab stay sober for a year or more. How are you going to increase your chances of being one of those who successfully remain abstinent in the longer term?

For the first year (the highest risk time for relapse) you must implement your plan, and stick to it as much as is feasible for you. Your plan to maintain abstinence after detoxification or rehab is usually referred to as ‘Aftercare’.

The research evidence shows that people who persist with an aftercare plan for some time following rehab or detox, significantly improve their odds of remaining abstinent in the longer term. So what should this plan include?

Typically aftercare will consist of continuous community care coordination, with a house visit on the day of discharge, local face-to-face counselling and participation of AA or NA meetings.

Don’t continue letting your life revolve around drugs or alcohol.

Living with addiction can be incredibly painful and consuming. That’s why we’re here to assist you to overcome your addiction and move forward with your life.

It is possible to begin a successful and enjoyable life without drugs or alcohol. Take the first steps toward liberating yourself with drug or alcohol addiction treatment by calling our helpline today.

We’ve assisted thousands of people in finding peace of mind through proper treatment. If you’re a resident of Northampton contact us today so we can connect you with a drug and alcohol treatment centre that can help you beat your addiction and get your life back on track.

Rehab Guide offers addiction treatment across Northamptonshire, Coventry, Leicester, Milton Keynes, and Peterborough.

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