Alcohol Abuse In Scotland - Rehab Guide
Rehab Guide

Alcohol Abuse In Scotland

Scottish alcohol use

When it comes to the alcohol issues in Scotland, the only way to improve the current state of those that live there is for everyone to do their part. Various issues can come from drinking regularly, and if the problem persists, the rise in alcohol-related deaths will rise as well.

Luckily, the government has taken a special interest in getting control of the issue. It has put into place several ongoing measures in an effort to curb alcohol addiction in the years to come.

Alcohol consumption is common is for people across the world. But in Scotland, the alcohol issue is causing more harm as the years go on.

When it comes to alcohol issues in Scotland, the government is doing all it can to reduce the number of deaths and other health-related issues that plague those that live there.

You may be wondering, what exactly can be done to combat the issue?

In this post, we’re going to provide you with insight into the drinking issues in Scotland. We’re also going to give you front row seats to what the government is doing to reduce the problem.

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The Government Steps In

Tired of seeing the citizens of Scotland succumbing to alcohol addiction and death, the government saw it fit to step in and do what they can to take control of the situation.

They’ve taken a number of steps to ensure that the resources needed to curve and lessen alcohol addiction are possible. The first of these steps if offering continued alcohol services, even during the pandemic.

There’s been a rise in relapse and drinking once the epidemic took hold. That’s why places like Scotland and other nations who struggle with addiction must take control and do what’s necessary to provide continued care for those seeking help.

Joe FitzPatrick, the Public Health Minister, has partnered with care facilities across Scotland to ensure that services are still available to those that are seeking help.

Scottish Parliament Takes Action

Before 2020, the Scottish Parliament took the initiative to put into an effect that focused on the minimum unit pricing of alcohol. This means that the prices of cheaper lagers and ciders were raised to make them harder to purchase.

As of 2018, there was another act passed that improved the original act. For example, they’ve been working with the alcohol companies that manufacture these drinks. The goal is to provide further details and health information about alcohol on the labels.

They’ve also done what is needed to work with the companies to educate people about the harms of abusing alcohol. Legislators have also gone back to review the 50 pence price that was used as a minimum unit price. They need to determine whether it had an effect in the past few years and if it needs to be increased moving forward.

While alcohol may be to blame for some crimes and the Scotland murder rate, the government and Parliament are looking to change that.

Legal Drinking Age

Across the UK, the legal drinking age begins at 18. However, if a child is between the ages of 16-17, they may be able to drink when they are dining in a pub. That discretion solely lies with those that are operating the pub.

The reason this is an issue is that when children begin drinking earlier in life, it leaves them susceptible to alcoholism as they grow into adults. Not only does it make them more vulnerable to addiction, but it also can cause severe cognitive problems.

When it comes to purchasing alcohol across the UK, anyone that is under the age of 25 is likely to be refused. Now that you’ve got an idea of who is drinking in Scotland and in other areas of the UK, let’s examine the consequences of heavy and consistent alcohol usage with these other alcohol facts.


Various studies have linked alcohol use to cancer, especially cancers of the mouth, liver, pancreas, colon, rectum, and more.

What about when it comes to how many people die from alcohol-related deaths? Experts estimate that in 1 in every 4 deaths where alcohol played a role, the person who passed also suffered from cancer complications.

That statistic in itself is staggering. Unfortunately, it’s not the only health-related complications that have contributed to the deaths of those who habitually indulge in alcohol.

Accidental Injury

When you’re under the influence of alcohol, your ability to make sound decisions is impaired.

Once your decision making is impaired, it leads to drinking and driving. It can also result in other injuries that may occur from lack of balance and coordination, even if you don’t get behind the wheel.

Unfortunately, injuries that occur because of accidental falls account for more than 300 alcohol-related deaths each year.


It’s not uncommon for those that drink a high volume of alcohol to suffer from a stroke. The reason for this is because the alcohol makes it challenging for your body to clot blood appropriately, and it also raises your blood pressure.

When you consume more than two alcoholic beverages daily, it can raise your risk of stroke by 34%. That number continues to rise as you get older.

If something isn’t done now, the numbers are only going to get worse and more lives are going to be lost to this addiction.

If you’re looking for help to turn your life around, don’t hesitate to contact us at the Rehab Guide. We’ve got the resources that you need to take the step into a life of sobriety and recovery.

Author 'John


Trained in addictionology in the Johnson Model, and specializing in substance abuse for individual and couple counselling. John's personal experience has given him a wealth of insights, which he integrates into practice. His extensive training has allowed him to gain expertise in individual and group counselling, concurrent disorders, case management, executing treatment plans and relapse prevention. He started this free helpline as a result of a life change and to help others get sober and live a life free from drugs and alcohol. John covers a variety of topics relating to addiction and recovery in his articles.


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