Alcohol Rehab in Glasgow - Rehab Guide

Alcohol Rehab in Glasgow

Alcohol Rehab in Glasgow

rehab guide

If you or a loved one need drug and alcohol rehab, Glasgow has a number of centers in and around the city. These rehabs offer a variety of addiction treatments from the traditional to the latest in detox and psychological therapy.  The rehab centers near Glasgow, that we work with, range from city-based abstinent residential centers to a beachfront rural escape. Whatever your preferences regarding treatment and residence Rehab Guide can help you find a drug rehab or alcohol rehab in Glasgow that can help you get back on the right track.

In Scotland, 24% of adults drink at hazardous or harmful levels. Whilst heavy drinking might be a normalized activity in our society, the truth is, it’s causing a lot of harm. Not only does it damage your body, but it also ruins relationships and affects your ability to carry out responsibilities. Glasgow is particularly at risk with a higher rate of problem drinking and alcohol-related health problems than similar cities in England such as Liverpool and Manchester.

Drugs are also a major concern in the Glasgow area with a higher percentage of problem drug users living there than any other Scottish city. (3) The local government is doing everything they can to combat drug and alcohol addiction in Glasgow but there is a real need for help. Thankfully, there are several rehabs that specialise in drug addiction. We can help you find a clinic to treat cocaine, heroin, cannabis and prescription drug addiction near Glasgow.

For many, going to rehabilitation can be daunting. So, to ease your fears, we’re here to show you what to expect from our expert team.

Rehab Treatment in Glasgow


You may wonder exactly what is involved in a rehab treatment program in Glasgow.

Before you can actually start the rehabilitation process, you have to first detox from alcohol. This means eliminating all traces of alcohol from your body.

Some people can detox from alcohol on their own, but it’s much more difficult for others. Not to mention, it can be dangerous as well.

If the alcoholism is serious enough, quitting cold turkey can have serious and even fatal consequences. So the best thing you can do is go through alcohol detox in a rehab facility for peace of mind.

There are medical professionals present who can examine you and determine the best course of action. Usually, this means slowly tapering your alcohol usage until you’re at 0%.

You’ll be under round-the-clock care, so if anything happens, you’ll receive immediate medical care. Some common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Shaking

The milder symptoms will start 6 to 12 hours after your last drink, and complete withdrawal can take 2 weeks to go through. For some, it might even take months (up to a year). The detox length will depend on how much alcohol you drank and how frequent, and for how long.

If your symptoms are bad enough, the rehab centre’s medical professionals may put you on withdrawal medications. These can help make things more comfortable and safer too.

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Therapy

Once you’ve cleansed your system of alcohol and have made it through the worst of your withdrawal symptoms, then you can begin the actual rehab process.

When it comes to rehab in Glasgow, you have 2 options: inpatient or outpatient treatment. We’ll discuss each one in detail below.

In addition to physical addiction, it’s possible to develop a mental one as well. It’s common for people to use alcohol as an escape from trauma or difficulties in life. So it becomes an automatic response to reach for the bottle whenever something bad happens.

Alcohol Detox

Now that you know a little more about alcoholism let’s move onto what happens at rehab in Glasgow.

Before you can actually start the rehabilitation process, you have to first detox from alcohol. This means eliminating all traces of alcohol from your body.

Some people can detox from alcohol on their own, but it’s much more difficult for others. Not to mention, it can be dangerous as well.

If the alcoholism is serious enough, quitting cold turkey can have serious and even fatal consequences. So the best thing you can do is go through alcohol detox in a rehab facility for peace of mind.

There are medical professionals present who can examine you and determine the best course of action. Usually, this means slowly tapering your alcohol usage until you’re at 0%.

You’ll be under round-the-clock care, so if anything happens, you’ll receive immediate medical care. Some common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Shaking

Some more serious symptoms include:

  • Seizures
  • Hand tremours
  • Disorientation
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive sweating
  • Hallucinations
  • Delirium tremens

The milder symptoms will start 6 to 12 hours after your last drink, and complete withdrawal can take 2 weeks to go through. For some, it might even take months (up to a year). The detox length will depend on how much alcohol you drank and how frequent, and for how long.

If your symptoms are bad enough, the rehab centre’s medical professionals may put you on withdrawal medications. These can help make things more comfortable and safer too.

Alcohol Rehab

Once you’ve cleansed your system of alcohol and have made it through the worst of your withdrawal symptoms, then you can begin the actual rehab process.

When it comes to rehab in Glasgow, you have 2 options: inpatient or outpatient treatment. We’ll discuss each one in detail below.

alcohol rehab centres

Inpatient Treatment

Residential rehab in Glasgow is a type of inpatient treatment. This is where you pack up and live at a rehabilitation facility for a certain duration, which means you eat and sleep there as well.

Inpatient treatment is considered the better option since you’ll be completely immersed in a positive environment for recovery. However, it is more expensive than outpatient treatment since you’ll have to pay for room and board, as well as food.

In your time at inpatient rehab, you’ll have a multidisciplinary team at your disposal. It includes professionals such as doctors, nurses, therapists, support workers, and even nutritionists. They’ll all work together to help you lead a healthy and sober life.

One of the most important things you’ll go through in rehab is therapy. For many of those with an addiction, their issue is caused by unaddressed traumas.

A therapist can help you navigate and process these traumas to decrease your need to drink. They can also teach you more wholesome ways to cope and deal with triggers, so you don’t automatically reach for a drink either. Even if your addiction is from negative habits or your environment therapy can still help you. Changing the way you think, approach and deal with triggers, behaviour and your support network can make all the difference.

Not only will you spend time in individual therapy, but you’ll also attend group sessions. By seeing and speaking to others who are also in your shoes, it can raise your strength, knowing that you’re not alone. These group sessions also provide you with a great support network, both in and out of rehab.

Recovery is a holistic experience, so you won’t just address addiction’s physical and mental side. Often, you’ll participate in alternative therapies such as yoga, meditation, art therapy, music therapy, and more. These activities provide you with a healthy and soothing outlet for addiction cravings.

Holistic vs Traditional Treatment

Most of the rehab clinics we work with near Glasgow holistic treatment is the norm. This means treating not only your addiction but you as a person. Rehab will involve time spent in detox and therapy but also exercising, finding new pastimes and even learning about nutrition. Glasgow and the surrounding areas are lively and packed with opportunities for hiking, fishing and other outdoor pursuits. There are also ample facilities for swimming, yoga and meditation in the area. Whether you choose the lively markets and gyms of the city centre or some of the spectacular rural and coastal spots, this is an amazing place for rest and reflection.

Holistic rehab isn’t for everyone though. If you have a more traditional view of your recovery then there are options available around Glasgow. The 12-step Program is famous around the world and one of the most tried and tested methods in recovery. It follows the principles of the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). There may be spiritual or religious elements to more traditional rehab center programs. If this is what you are looking for we can recommend Christian rehabs in Glasgow as well.

Free Rehab

Outpatient Treatment

If inpatient rehab treatment isn’t feasible for you, don’t worry. Outpatient treatment can still be a wonderful opportunity, especially if you have responsibilities you can’t drop, such as going to university or work or looking after your family.

With outpatient rehab, you’ll follow the same path as in inpatient treatment. Do note that you might have to first go through inpatient detox services and then switch to outpatient rehab after.

What will happen is you’ll set up appointments for therapy sessions and medications. This allows you to get proper treatment while still attending to your daily responsibilities, all without living full-time at the treatment centre. It also cuts down on costs if you’re short on money since outpatient rehab is a lot more affordable.

However, if you don’t have a supportive and/or healthy home environment, outpatient rehabilitation might not be ideal for you.  Triggers and bad influences likely surround you. In your most vulnerable moments, you’ll have a much higher chance of relapsing since you have easy access to alcohol.

So you might have to weigh the pros and cons of each type of rehab treatment to determine which is optimal for your situation. Some people opt to do part of their treatment as inpatient and the rest as an outpatient, so that’s an option.

Aftercare for Alcohol Addiction

After you’ve successfully gone through rehab, it’s time to return to the “real world.” This transition might be easier for you if you’ve been in inpatient treatment, as most of our clinics provide 1-year free aftercare to assist patients in their reintegration into society.

But even so, you might have some struggles along the way. After all, addiction is a lifelong disease, which means hardships will come up in the future. Alcohol is a hard substance to avoid, especially in Scottish culture.

It would be best to learn the proper tools to deal with triggers and cravings from your time in rehab. However, it’s still very likely that you’ll slip up. That’s what aftercare is for.

Much of aftercare is similar to rehabilitation, except you dedicate much less time to it. For example, you might still receive cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), group therapy sessions, and alternative therapies. But these meetings might be once per week instead of every day like it was in rehab.

This provides you with some much-needed help without it taking up too much of your normal life. As a result, you’ll be able to receive continual care and support for the rest of your life if you wanted.

Support Groups in Glasgow

drug rehab

Many people have become sober with the guidance of alcohol support groups. However, support groups are only one component of addiction treatment. Coupling a Glasgow support group with individual therapy significantly increases the likelihoods of success.

If you are from another area of Scotland, the staff will help you find a suitable group in your local area. This can be very helpful as larger cities such as Edinburgh and Glasgow can have large numbers of groups that specialise in various ages and addictions. The best-known groups are the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), SMART Recovery and Al-Anon, and there are many local community groups in smaller towns such as Cumbernauld and East Kilbride.

Go to Alcohol Rehab in Glasgow

Now that you know what alcohol rehab in Glasgow entails, we hope it’s eased your mind about going. You shouldn’t view rehab as an intimidating thing but rather a helpful tool in guiding you back to a sober and healthy lifestyle.

Those struggling with alcohol dependence know that you don’t have to walk the recovery road on your own. There are plenty of compassionate professionals who are waiting to guide you in your journey.

If you or a loved one needs rehab in Glasgow, please don’t hesitate to contact us at our address below. Our team will respond to you promptly.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday09:00 – 17:00
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday09:00 – 17:00

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