Private Rehab - Rehab Guide

Private Rehab

Private Rehab

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Private rehab is a lifeline for those struggling with addiction, offering faster access to the assessment and treatment you need, rehab facilities offer world-class, evidence-based care. Treatment is tailored to your needs in some of the best-equipped facilities to deal with both alcohol and drug addiction, together with other types of addiction, such as gambling. Our private addiction rehab facilities sit in surroundings that provide a haven for restful and tranquil recovery.

Start your recovery journey now by speaking to a professional addiction treatment counsellor about available options.

Types of Private Rehab Programmes


Detox is a way of removing substances such as alcohol or drugs from your body, ensuring that the side effects from this process are kept to a minimum, and offering additional treatment to keep the brain and body free from any serious withdrawal symptoms.

Residential Rehab

Residential rehab is provided by health professionals with expertise in the medical, psychological, and social areas of addiction treatment and recovery. Treatment programmes include the following:

  • High-quality accommodation designed for comfort to improve the therapeutic process
  • 24/7 care, including in emergencies
  • Medical drug and alcohol detox rooms
  • Family support and therapy
  • Post-rehab aftercare support
  • Nutritious and healthy food
  • Holistic treatment that covers the whole person and their needs
  • Highly experienced expert medical, therapy and counselling staff

What Happens in Residential Rehab?

It can be difficult to know exactly what happens in a private addiction rehab facility. If you would like more information, here is an example of a Daily Agenda. Daily programmes span a wide range of interventions. From psychotherapy sessions to holistic therapies such as mindfulness, from recreational activities, such as nature walks to relapse prevention workshops. These are all part of a typical day in a private drug and alcohol rehab facility.

Treatment that caters for your individual needs starts from the moment you enter rehab, with the following programme components:

  1. Treatment initiation
  2. Early abstinence
  3. Maintaining abstinence
  4. Advanced recovery
  5. Returning to normal life

Each component of assessment, treatment and recovery as part of rehab for alcohol and drug addiction is part of an approved evidence base shown to provide the best possible outcomes for people living with alcohol and drug addiction.

This includes recommendations from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence on treatment for both drug and alcohol addiction.

How Does Private Rehab Work?

If detox is also part of the treatment programme in a private rehab, it will be supervised by trained health professionals – including those with medical and nursing training in alcohol and drug addiction. When you enter a treatment programme, you will be assigned a specialist keyworker. This keyworker is responsible for your day-to-day care plan and works closely with other practitioners. Key workers are highly experienced addiction workers or counsellors.

An addiction recovery care plan is like a road map that will form the basis of your treatment but will also involve you in treatment options that suit your needs. There is no “one size fits all” approach to the pace and type of treatment in private rehab.

Your addiction keyworker will meet regularly with you to help ensure problems affecting your life – and, therefore, your recovery – are taken seriously so that you can continue your recovery journey.

Everyone is different in problems that they have experienced with their addiction. These include problems with debt, housing, childcare, and the wider family network, as well as problems that affect physical or mental health. The care plan is central to how you look at each problem and find joint solutions with your key worker to improve your health and well-being.

Private addiction rehab therapies include:

Wellness & Holistic Therapies in Private Rehab

Mindfulness has positive effects on mental health. It can improve life satisfaction, create positive emotional states, and give you an improved sense of well-being. Mindfulness can also help make you less reactive to negative emotions.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction programs focus on mindfulness exercises and meditation. Research has shown that mindfulness-based stress reduction programs reduce anxiety, depression, and anger. Programmes also improve empathy, forgiveness, and self-compassion.

Relaxation programmes are also part of holistic therapies and include:

  • Deep breathing
  • Triangle breathing
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Imagery meditation
  • Guided imagery
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Breathing mindfulness

Holistic therapies also have a positive effect on physical health by regulating breathing, lowering blood pressure, and reducing heart rate. You are more likely to get these types of therapy in private rehab than in public outpatient services. They may also be available in the residence itself, making it easier and more private to access.

How Long Do I Spend in Rehab?

Although the average time spent in addiction rehab is around four weeks, a more precise period is based on your assessment outcome. Generally, any time in rehab is better than none and the longer the inpatient programme, the better the outcome. For example, if you have used both alcohol or another drug for a longer time or have experienced past trauma, a longer time in rehab is often recommended. The longer you stay in rehab, the better the chance of continued recovery.

How Much Does Rehab Cost?

Funding is needed to get immediate, expert assessment and treatment in private rehab. There are currently no NHS addiction rehab facilities in the UK other than those offering only alcohol detox. Even treatment under the NHS requires a referral from your GP or local addiction team. Then, it is a postcode lottery on when you get treatment, depending on waiting lists.

The cost of private alcohol rehab varies widely. Currently, a week of private residential rehab starts at around £1,500 with savings if you stay longer. This makes a 28-day stay in rehab start around £5,000. The cost increases depending on the duration of treatment and the quality and standard of the rehab, including its accommodation, staffing numbers, type of recovery program, and services provided.

Private rehabilitation centres are also available abroad if you are willing to travel to Europe, South Africa, or the Middle East. This can save on costs or offer a more luxurious rehab experience for a better price.

How Do I Get Advice on Rehab Pricing?

This is where Rehab Guide comes in – in fact, it’s one of the reasons we started up, to guide people in choosing the right rehab at the right price to avoid calamity – as we know this landscape and understand what works. We also know the best rehab clinics in London (and elsewhere in England) and the pros and cons and suitability for different people with different addictions.

Most importantly, and due to our decades of experience in the industry, the type of programme and duration are the two key factors in determining excellent value rehab. Even super-expensive rehabs can offer a poor rehabilitation programme, so it is always worth checking what type of treatments they offer, as different rehabs offer different therapies, and not all therapies are suitable for everyone.

What’s The Best Option If I Don’t Have a Lot of Funds?

We would recommend a minimum of a 10-day stay for an alcohol detox in a rehab clinic. This usually starts around £1600 and goes up to £2000 and upward. Ten days is long enough to come off alcohol safely and obtain some level of therapy and rehab, too. However, we would only recommend such treatment after consultation and finding out individual circumstances because some people need much longer in rehab to regain some level of sobriety, recovery, and independence from alcohol.

What Will I Get From Private Addiction Rehab?

Addiction rehab programs are designed to successfully help people get sober by:

  • Finding meaning in your life without alcohol or other drugs
  • Help repair your relationships
  • Being more aware of your drug or alcohol addiction
  • Teaching you to avoid triggers
  • Directing you towards beneficial habits and coping mechanisms to remain sober from drugs and alcohol.

Keyworkers will direct you towards local therapy, self-help drug or alcohol groups and sober activities to keep you busy in your area.

In the first national effectiveness study of residential rehabilitation for alcohol addiction, more than 3 in every five people entering rehab successfully completed treatment. Longer duration of treatment and provision of structured continuing care were associated with better treatment outcomes.

How Can I Access Private Addiction Rehab?

To gain admission to an alcohol rehab clinic, you can phone Rehab Guide to arrange your admission without paying for this advice. We will link you with the appropriate addiction rehab facility if you feel it is a good fit for you.

These are the steps to entering a rehabilitation centre for alcohol or drug addiction:

  1. Call our free addiction advisory services for an informal chat
  2. Carry out an anonymous addiction assessment over the phone with a member of our team
  3. We will provide you with all the information about available rehab clinics available and book you in

If you or someone you love is looking for a drug or alcohol rehab near you, we can help. Our organisation specialises in professional, affordable private addiction treatment and luxury rehab in London and across England.

As a leading authority on alcohol rehab, we offer reputable CQC-registered private rehab. All our London addiction rehab facilities are easily accessible from all locations in the UK.

What else can private addiction rehab offer?

Private addiction rehab also offers a selection of innovative, holistic and complementary therapies:

·      LLLT – Lower level laser light therapy – helpful for assisting with sleep and reducing stress during drug or alcohol withdrawal

·      NAD treatment – a revolutionary new treatment proven to reduce the side effects of coming off alcohol and drugs

·      Bodywork consultants provide a bespoke plan to help you reach optimum health. This covers dietetics, fitness, and overall physical and mental well-being.

·      Yoga, mindfulness, meditation, Thai Chi, massage, and acupuncture. These are designed to aid relaxation, improve focus, and create a peaceful inner space for healing

·      Music, art, equine therapy and drama offers a holistic medium for individual expression, connection and trust. These are helpful for processing difficult emotions in a non-invasive and non-threatening manner.

Private addiction rehab comes at a financial cost, but that cost can be the difference between suffering in silence and reclaiming your life from addiction. Treatment can help you lead the life you deserve to put yourself on the path to recovery. A path that offers a better future for your health, well-being, and relationships.

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