Strategies for Treating Alcoholism - Rehab Guide

Strategies for Treating Alcoholism

Strategies for Treating Alcoholism

strategies for alcoholism

Strategies for Treating Alcoholism

Everyone’s needs in treating alcoholism are unique, but the core problems and strategies for stopping are usually the same.

While being treated as an individual is very important in recovery, there are some strategies for treating alcoholism that is tried and tested:

These should form the basis of any successful recovery. You can choose the exact shape they take according to your needs, ideas and goals.

Can Alcoholism be Treated?

Yes, alcoholism can be treated with a solid strategy of medical detox, therapy, support networks and willingness to change.

This is not to say that people don’t struggle and even relapse. Even if you fall down, you can start over again, and most people do. Those who return to abstinence after relapse usually do stay sober for long periods of time.

One of the most valuable lessons in overcoming alcoholism is to take it one day at a time. You don’t need to worry about staying sober for the rest of your life today. Think about staying on track today and worry about the other days when they come.

Statistics on the treatment of alcoholism vary slightly depending on the strategy and country of the person involved. Research suggests that around 50% of alcoholics who seriously pursue treatment will recover and remain abstinent.

While this figure might sound low, it only accounts for those who remain sober permanently. The percentage of those who relapse before returning to sobriety is an additional 25% on top of the 50% who don’t relapse.

How do we Approach Treating Alcoholism?

Medical Detox and Alcoholism

medical detox alcohol with a doctor

Alcoholism is far from just a physical condition. There are many psychological and emotional issues that must be dealt with to recover fully. However, we cannot neglect the very real physiological impact alcohol misuse has on our bodies.

Suffering and struggle is the last thing you need when you have made that all-important decision to stop drinking. Medication can help with the challenging withdrawal symptoms and rebuild your mental and physical health.

These medications are not usually long-term and are designed to deal with the damaging changes alcohol use has done to your brain and nervous system.

The only exceptions are antidepressants and anxiety medication. These can be long-term and often bridge into the therapy phase and beyond.

Therapy Strategies for Alcoholism

For years the idea of group therapy, such as AA and other recovery groups, has shown great success in helping those with alcoholism.

These groups provide a community and understanding for often isolated people addicted to alcohol. One of the prevailing theories is that this functions as a kind of therapy for those affected.

The idea of therapy has been expanded in recent years with many new styles and strategies for alcoholism and change. Below are some of the most common approaches:

These are successful in treating addiction because they address any past trauma but also focus on building a better and stronger future. Given that alcoholism is a behaviour as much as it is a psychology.

Learning how to change your actions, environment, and attitudes is just as important as dealing with past trauma and associations.  You may struggle to stay sober long-term and improve your life and well-being without resolving both.

Therapy in Rehab

Mutual Support Therapy

Mutual support groups for people with alcoholism are a strongly established institution of recovery. Having a community brings support and understanding and alleviates loneliness.

Therapy groups for alcoholism are many and varied in their approach, methods and values. You can find dozens of groups in most cities, and most towns have at least one or two in the area. This is a great way to meet other people who want to stay away from drinking and form a new support network and social circle.

Studies suggest that therapy may be one of the best ways to improve the odds of long-term abstinence. However, although it does improve immediate chances of sobriety, it is detox medication that provides the greatest improvement in the short term.

Behaviour and Lifestyle Treatment

Part of therapy will always be making meaningful changes, not only in addressing issues from your past and present but also in the future and what you want it to look like.

This might be the most individual part of therapy and recovery. How you move on is completely about you. There are many things that can bring greater happiness than a life wasted on alcohol.


References  Treatment interventions to maintain abstinence from alcohol in primary care

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